Healthwatch Islington & West Creative

In 2016, Emma Whitby, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Islington got in touch.

Emma was fully aware that all too often organisations drive by a social mission only reached the same converted audience, those who want to give feedback - not the harder to reach, more marginalised members of a community.

Emma Whitby

Identifying Autism as an often hidden topic, Emma commissioned our team to come up with a campaign that would turn heads and get Healthwatch noticed.

Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'A' designed by West Creative
Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'U' designed by West Creative
Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'T' designed by West Creative
Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'I' designed by West Creative
Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'S' designed by West Creative
Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'M' designed by West Creative

Autism: Help us to think differently was a multi-channel campaign devised to capture feedback about Health and Social Care services in Islington, from people with , or associated with, autism.

The design attracted borough-wide attention, re-imagining each letter from the perspective of an autistic resident. 

Healthwatch Autism campaign, designed by West Creative

Responding to primary research we undertook and the campaign objectives, we developed a suite of deliveries for both digital and more traditional marketing activities. We also helped address internal needs of staff through social media training.

Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'Content' designed by West Creative


Interview with Bob Dowd, Family Services Manager at Centre 404 and Emma Whittby from Healthwatch Islington to explain the campaign in their own words.

Interview with the parent of an autistic child, offering potential participants the opportunity to understand the type of feedback they might contribute.

A social media plan and collateral for making the messages ping – with training for staff members

Email campaign sent to wider partners in the borough giving them access to a suite of easy to use promotional components – poster, flyer, web advert, social media posts and newsletter – to empower them with the information needed to promote the campaign to their clients

Printed collateral, including postcard and poster distributed at various sites and events

AND… ensuring all the participant communication channels had the ‘Autism: Help Us Think Differently’ identity included (email enquiry, confirmation email and survey material)

Healthwatch Autism campaign, 'Interview' designed by West Creative

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