Hoxton Hall & West Creative

Following a major refurbishment funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, this former Victorian Music Hall had a predicament; how to announce the restoration to an urban arts audience whilst making the history of the venue enticing. They needed advice on arts heritage marketing.

“Finding an edgy and exciting approach to reach non-traditional audiences for an arts heritage organisation was of utmost importance.”
Hayley White, Group Director, Hoxton Hall

Hoxton Hall exterior

Diving into the Music Hall Archives gave the launch campaign a unique starting point. Working with Hoxton Hall’s archivist gave rich insight into the stars who had graced the venue, from Marie Lloyd to ‘Champagne Charlie’. What emerged was a mash-up of old and new, mixing Victorian era with contemporary design styles. From characters of the past with influences of the present and Music Hall playbills with contemporary fonts. A unique arts heritage marketing campaign.

Hoxton Hall original playbill
Hoxton Hall Heritage Launch Campaign - designed by West Creative
Hoxton Hall Heritage Launch Campaign - designed by West Creative


Our approach to creating a new identity for Hoxton Hall focused on mixing the ornate architectural references of the building with a bespoke modern font. A logo rooted in history, yet relevant for a modern audience.

Artwork for an App connected the launch campaign to the digital experience. Alongside Heritage Interpretation material installed in the venue and a series of icons used across social media.

Hoxton Hall heritage logo - designed by West Creative
Hoxton Hall restoration campaign, designed by West Creative
Hoxton Hall restoration campaign, designed by West Creative
Hoxton Hall restoration campaign, designed by West Creative
Hoxton Hall restoration campaign, designed by West Creative
Hoxton Hall restoration campaign, designed by West Creative


“The drawings are sick. It says it’s for us as much as anyone else.”
Hackney Community College student, aged 17

“For the first time in a long time, Hoxton Hall seems to be really confident about what they’re offering. The new identity is fresh. It fits amongst all the other creatives in Shoreditch.” Creative Business Owner, Hoxton Works

“This area has so much history. It’s amazing to have this place on our doorstep.”
Market Trader, Hoxton Street Market

Hoxton Hall restoration campaign, designed by West Creative


Workshops held with staff, trustees and audiences to gain insights to inform the creative process. The result was a compelling new logo that announced the restoration was complete.

Specifically created to launch Hoxton Hall’s restoration. The launch campaign, praised by Heritage Lottery Fund, brought the unique Music Hall history to life with a memorable modern twist. Collaborating with Hoxton Hall's appointed archivist to find references from their archive.

Bringing the history of Hoxton Hall to life, a visualisation of the venue’s history was created in vinyl, alongside a life-sized version of our 21st century Marie Lloyd illustration. Both bring visitors closer to Hoxton Hall's history. 

Creating the artwork for a new app, ‘A Collection of Small Choices’, brought the mash-up approach into a digital experience. Allowing users to navigate the amazing stories of the past that were produced during the restoration period. 

A suite of icons were created to add excitement and interest to social media activity during the launch campaign. Each representing a different aspects of Hoxton Hall's offer, they were humorous and memorable. 

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