In 2015, Andrew Dakers, Chief Executive of West London Business got in touch.
Andrew had taken over the former Chamber of Commerce that now serves all of West London. Andrew talked the team through his ambition to launch a business to business focused publication to broaden membership and raise advertising revenue.

Recognising our strength in content marketing and ability to handle magazine production, Andrew commissioned our team to come up with a concept that was both high profile, yet hyper local in the way it connected with West London.

West Londoner’s success was based on offering in-depth regional reporting, national insight, practical advice and pointed analysis. All content was created by our team, with editorial contribution from Andrew Dakers. The voice of the magazine had a distinct West London accent and it spoke directly to the best interests of those live and work in this vibrant sub region.

The 30 page, tabloid style publication, was distributed across the borough to a targeted mailing of businesses, business networks and local authorities. Interviews from leading entrepreneurs in the borough were balanced with articles on specialist topics, alongside lighter hearted on work/life balance.
“West Londoner identifies and discusses opportunities that will improve the sub-region.”

Underpinning the success of the business magazine was a bold and well balanced structure to the content. We developed the concept of the magazine, collaborating with the client to provide the best fit for their business.
Pulling a publication together is a demanding role, often too demanding to balance with the everyday of running a business. Our team managed the whole process from start to end, from content creation to overseeing the final print production.
Creating an identity that appealed to a broad range of businesses, spoke directly to senior level staff and reflected the region. The publication had all three in equal measures.
Our team identified and delivered a series of compelling interviews. Showcasing each business, the interviews also drew out the unique characteristics of each interviewee and rooted them with reasons why they thrive in West London.
Articles were either commissioned by our team or produced by our writers. Generating great copy kept the publication balanced, varying content from insight articles to lists and light bites.
Location photography accompanied all our interviews, bringing the reader closer to the content. Capturing the interviewees in their offices, shop floors and out on location.

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